Business Case study Video projects

Internal video for a pharmaceutical company

RB is a multinational producer of hygiene, cleaning and pharmaceutical products. They develop and manufacture household names like Dettol, Durex, Nurofen and Clearasil. So I was honoured when they asked me to work with them! This internal video explains a complex new compliance process in a way that their global staff base can easily understand. Created in Adobe After Effects, it is built with the company’s core brand and colour palette in mind.

I built some of the elements directly in After Effects or in Adobe Illustrator, while others are stock images that I have edited to fit in with the brand before adding animation.

The voiceover artist is Matt Sutton, who I would strongly recommend for his skill, professionalism and friendliness! Given the international audience for this video, I asked him to speak in a warm, neutral voice with a slight hint of his natural accent. As you can see, he nailed it. Find out more about Matt

By Ben Horrigan

I've been producing digital content since 2012, primarily for flagship BBC brands like Blue Peter and BBC News. Now I run Studio 91 Media, a video production agency on a mission: to create content that is good for platforms, good for people and good for the planet. When I'm not behind a camera, I can often be found playing cello at weddings or riding a three-wheeled cargo bike called Babs.

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