Video content tips Video projects

3 ways to create video content on a tight budget

In 2020, the demand for video and other digital content is huge. At the same time, however, budgets are extremely tight for many industries. Fortunately, that doesn’t necessarily have to put a stop to your content strategy. Here are three ways to create video content on a budget, courtesy of our Junior Video Producer, Will.

1: Strip Back 

First of all, strip right back to the essentials and gain a perspective on what you really need compared to the budget you have. There is no denying that the higher the price of equipment, the more likely that the results will look and sound more professional. But that rule only applies if you already have a good knowledge of the equipment and how to properly use it. You can’t give a monkey an expensive spanner and expect him to fix a car! 

We live in an era where you can film quality content from your phone and turn it into a professional piece of art! If you look at social media content, ask yourself how much of it is done off a phone? The lens and audio quality on your phone is always worthy of trying out and is also very quick and easy to use. From your phone you can develop the skills such as framing, lighting and more. There’s more info on this blog about how to get the best results when filming with a phone, and here’s a list of great video editing apps you can download. Instead of looking at what you need, look at what you already have.

Much of what you do when filming content starts in your head before going on screen. You need to develop that creative eye before you go about buying the new kit. So focus on the content you are creating, not the equipment you are doing it with.

2: Look Local 

Just like the price of equipment, the price of locations to shoot are varied and you have to be responsible when going about picking your locations, especially when you are on a tight budget.

To overcome this challenge, simply look local, call in favours if possible, and use your creative eye to visualise locations within locations. Just like location, search locally for talent and try to go through existing contacts. Make sure you pay people what they’re worth and don’t rip anyone off – but be willing to compromise in order to take up less of their time and therefor save money.

3: Be Prepared 

Creating video content is an art that takes time to get right. This is something people often don’t realise going in. It requires a lot of responsibility as there are many stages and elements involved in the process that require your full attention, but the end goal is always worth it.

You should go over every shoot you do and look at what you did wrong, or could do better next time, even if it was something others wouldn’t notice. That is how you truly develop your craft.

Take advantage of all the free resources out there to teach you the basics of filmmaking. YouTube is a great place to start.

So in conclusion, strip back, look local and be prepared. These three tips will give a surefire kickstart to helping you create video content on a tight budget. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need any advice on this subject, or you’re interested in bringing us on board for your next video production project.

By Will Wray-Lang

I’m a video producer, wedding and events videographer and junior researcher with over 7 years of experience making digital content, including working with global brands such as BBC. I have a great passion for storytelling, producing videos, writing up blogs and inspiring campaign ideas. In 2017, I started my own company producing cinematic wedding films. In my spare time, you can find me involved in some sort of sport, playing football or going to the gym. If not I'll probably be on the internet purchasing more camera equipment…I know, I need to stop.

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