Impact Personal

Embracing diversity from behind the lens

Intro As a black man from a working-class background navigating the Media industry, I’ve constantly come up against challenging situations, which have underscored the vital importance of having more than one diverse voice contributing to the structure of a project. While strides have been made in front of the lens, the landscape behind it remains […]


Our impact: 2023-24

Studio 91’s mission is the same as it ever was. We make good video that does good. For people, platforms and the planet. This will come as absolutely no surprise if you’re familiar with who we are and what we do. That said, as a small team we’ve not always been great at shouting about […]

Video content tips

Subtitle safe zones for social video

Nearly every platform on social media uses subtitles nowadays. Youtube, TikTok, LinkedIn, the list goes on. Adding subtitles and captions to your videos isn’t essential but, they are great if you’re wanting to increase accessibility or to play into the algorithm. Each platform has their own ways of uploading, displaying and formatting these subtitles so […]

Video content tips

The most underrated tools in our camera kit

When people talk about what you need to have in your video production kit, you will often find a list of the most expensive and newest camera kit, lenses and accessories. While yes, they are the essentials, there’s some items that deserve more of a shout out. The unsung heroes, the items that certainly don’t […]

Personal Video projects

‘Ode to Manny’ – a love letter to Greater Manchester

We may be divorced from the sun, but we got soul in the prenup. Ode to Manny by Jamie Swaby One of our goals for 2024 was to make more space for the stuff that doesn’t pay the bills. The voluntary work and passion projects that excite us and flex our creative muscles. The stuff […]

Video content tips

How to speak confidently on camera

For many, the prospect of speaking in front of a camera is as daunting as the act of public speaking itself. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or stepping into the spotlight for the first time, the challenge remains the same: delivering your message confidently and authentically. As someone with a rich background in TV production, […]

Video content tips

What is an SRT file?

Sorry for the thoroughly un-sexy title, but this is a VERY important question when it comes to digital video. In my opinion, anyone responsible for publishing video content on social media for a brand or organisation needs to know what SRT files are, and how to use them. An SRT file works hand-in-hand with a […]

Video projects

Magpies, shredders and pelvic thrusts: video production for theatre

That might just be the most clickbaity blog title I’ve ever written for this website. Before we get into the magpies and the pelvic thrusts of it all, I need to give you a brief summary of my history working with the brilliant theatre maker Wayne Steven Jackson. I first came across Wayne in Hull […]

Video content tips

How we’re embracing AI in our video production

It seems like everyone and their nan is talking about AI at the moment. But how is it impacting video and how can we use it to our advantage? We’ve been subtly embracing AI within our video production for a while now and we love trying out new features to see how it can improve […]

Video content tips

3 easy ways to create better DIY video content

We all know video content is an essential tool that can be used by almost any business to engage potential customers, boost brand awareness and strengthen brand identity. So if you haven’t tried it out for your own business yet…why not?! But if you have, and you’re now looking to improve what you’re putting out […]